Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Wiesen
Department Operations Management
Healthcare Management
Telefon: 0221/470-89171
Fax: 0221/470-89259
E-Mail: wiesen(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de
Persönliche Homepage
Universitätsstraße 91
Raum 031
50931 Köln
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
Selected publications
- Brosig-Koch, J., Hennig‐Schmidt, H., Kairies-Schwarz, N., Kokot, J. and Wiesen, D., 2024. A New Look at Physicians’ Responses to Financial Incentives: Quality of Care, Practice Characteristics, and Motivations. Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming.
- Byambadalai, U., Ma, C.-t. A., and Wiesen, D. (2023). Changing preferences: An experiment and estimation on market-incentive effects on altruism. Journal of Health Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2023.102808
- Attema, A., Galizzi, M. M., Groß , M., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Karay, Y., L’Haridon, O., and Wiesen, D. (2023). The formation of physician altruism. Journal of Health Economics, 2023, 87, 102716; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102716
- "The effects of audits and fines on upcoding in neonatology". Health Economics; 2021,30,1978-1986 (with Mona Groß, Hendrik Jürgens). https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.4272
- "An experiment on referrals in health care", European Economic Review, 2021, 131 (with Christian Waibel). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103612.
- "The Effect of Expert Feedback on Antibiotic Prescribing in Pediatrics: Experimental Evidence", Medical Decision Making, 2019, 39, 781-795 (with Kerstin Eilermann, Katrin Halstenberg, Ludwig Kuntz, Kyriakos Martakis, Bernhard Roth), https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989X19866699,
- "Dishonesty in health care practice: A behavioral experiment on upcoding in neonatology", Health Economics, 2018, 1-20 (with H. Hennig-Schmidt and H. Jürges)
- "The Effects of Introducing Mixed Payment Systems for Physicians: Experimental Evidence", Health Economics, 2017, 26, 243–262 (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Nadja Kairies-Schwarz)
- "Other-regarding Behavior and Motivation in Health Care Provision: An Experiment with Medical and Non-medical Students," Social Science & Medicine, 2014, 108, 156–165 (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt).
- "Profit or Patients’ Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism," Journal of Health Economics, 2013, 32, 1105–1116 (with Geir Godager).
- "Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking," Management Science, 2011, 57, 1334–1349 (with Sebastian Ebert).
- "How Payment Systems Affect Physicians' Provision Behavior: An Experimental Investigation," Journal of Health Economics, 2011, 30, 637–646 (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Reinhard Selten).